- The Concept of Prostration in Islam
Subject: Understanding Iman (Intermediate)
Track: Islamic Issues
There are two types of prostrations in Islam, namely, (i) Prostration of Worship (Sajdah-e-Ibadah), and (ii) Prostration of Reverence (Sajdah-e-Tahiyya or Sajda-e-Ta'azeem).
Sajda-e-Ibadah (Prostration of Worship) to anyone other than Allah (عَزَّ وَجَلَّ) is Shirk in Islam. Sajda-e-Tahiyya is a kind of greeting. Since Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) stopped people from doing Sajda-e-Tahiyya, it is not allowed in Islam. Now, if a Muslim greets a dignitary with Sajda-e-Tahiyya, it will be treated as undesirable act and sin.This course is written to clarify certain misconceptions of the Muslim sects in this context. It is an important course for all Muslims.