Yazid bin Muawiya


  1. Yazid bin Muawiya

Course Description

Subject: Understanding Iman (Intermediate)
Track: History of Islam

Yazid Ibn Muawiya Ibn Abu Sufyan (يزيد بن معاوية بن أبي سفيان‎) was born on July 20, 647 (25 H) to Maysun Bint Bajdal al-Kulaibi an-Nasrania, a Jacobite Christian from Kalb tribe in Syria. Yazid is a controversial figure in the History of Islam under whose rule Imam Hussain (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ), his family members and 72 associates were massacred in Karbala. Yazid also killed thousands of Sahabah, Taba’een and Muslims in Makka and Madina in the incidence of Hurra when the Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) mosque was ransacked and Ka’ba was burnt.This course provides information about the role of Yazid bin Muawiya in Islamic history.

Course Curator

Ash Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri is well known all over the world for his explanation of Islamic Tawheed, Sahih Iman, Sahih Islam and Sahih Ihsan. He is a scholar, historian and poet. He is the author of Tafseer-e-Asedi, Irshad Al Asedi, Fusus Al-Iman and over 1000 books on various Islamic subjects. He has curated over 200 courses for the CIF International Academy. He has written many research articles on religion, history and other subjects. He is also the Editor in Chief of CIFIA Global Journal.

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History of Islam
Sahih Iman
Sahih Islam
Islamic Issues

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